Anirudh Ravichandran
Our founder and head coach, is a dedicated triathlete whose unwavering passion has fundamentally shaped our training programs. With a wealth of experience, including qualification for the Ironman World Championships in Marbella, Spain, he prioritizes mental resilience and sustainable training practices. Anirudh is committed to athlete development, crafting programs that are both challenging and supportive, empowering each athlete to achieve their goals while fully enjoying the journey.

Ideal for you if you:
Aim to enhance your skills in swimming, biking, and running.
Are gearing up for a triathlon event, such as an Ironman 70.3 or Olympic distance triathlon.
Seek to deepen your knowledge of endurance sports and train like a dedicated athlete.
Desire to boost your overall cardiovascular endurance.
Want to achieve weight loss healthily without fixating on numbers.
What all is included?
- A video consultation discussing your goals.
- A thorough Assessment of your biomechanics, swim, bike & run history.
- A customized Training plan based on Heart Rate zones and Power zones to target specific adaptations. Workouts uploaded weekly or on a mesocycle on TRAININGPEAKS.
- A Nutrition & Hydration guide to help you make the most out of your workouts
- A Endurance training guide that will educate you on physiology, periodization etc.
- Race day Nutrition and Hydration planning.
- Weekly performance reviews.
- Strength & Conditioning workouts for triathlon.​​
3 months (12 weeks) - Rs. 22,000
6 months (24 weeks) - Rs 40,000
*prices inclusive of GST

Ideal for you if you:
Aim to enhance your cycling or running fitness.
Are getting ready for a cycling event or running race, such as a 10K, Half Marathon, or Full Marathon.
Want to deepen your knowledge of endurance sports and train like a professional athlete.
Seek to boost your overall cardiovascular endurance.
What’s in the package?
- A video consultation to discuss your goals.
- A comprehensive assessment of your biomechanics, along with your swim, bike and run history.
- A customized training plan based on heart rate, power, and/or pace zones to achieve specific adaptations, with workouts uploaded weekly or on a mesocycle basis via TRAINING PEAKS.
- A nutrition and hydration guide to optimize your workouts.
- An endurance training guide covering topics like physiology and periodization.
- Race day nutrition and hydration planning.
- Weekly performance reviews.
- Strength and conditioning workouts for biking or running.
3 months (12 weeks) - Rs. 15,000
6 months (24 weeks) - Rs 27,000
*prices inclusive of GST

Ideal for you if you:
You are a newbie/intermediate in the gym.
You don't have an idea or some idea about nutrition or cooking or meal prepping.
Want to learn compound exercises.
Your progress has plateaued.
To get active and build a solid base of strength and cardiovascular endurance to explore different sports.
If you live a sedentary life and want to change your lifestyle and physique for the better.
Want to take your physique to the next level.
Willing to put in 100% effort and commitment for change and transform your physique and take it to new heights.
What's in the package?​
- A free video consultation discussing your goals.
- A thorough assessment of your Biomechanics, Exercise form and ROM to identify weakness and strengths.
- A Customized training plan based on the assessment, equipment accessibility and any other restrictions, uploaded through a coaching app to kick start your journey.
- A Customized diet guide & diet log for tracking introducing you to nutrition protocols based on your likes, dislikes, allergies, deficiencies and accessibility . What to eat. When to eat. Why to eat. We gradually build towards fuelling like an athlete.
- A Customized Recipe Guide according to your likes, dislikes and goals.
- Learn how to track calories and macros.
- 1:1 Video sessions with the frequency depending on your assessment to correct form and learn key exercises.
- Constant feedback to remove doubts and questions so you are on track every day! I will be keeping tabs on you constantly !
- Lifestyle coaching on how to break from the shackles and be more productive, be more confident and achieve your goals.
3 months (12 weeks) - Rs. 19,000
6 months (24 weeks) - Rs 34,000
*prices inclusive of GST